Top 20 Safe Fruits for Dogs

Top 20 Safe Fruits for Dogs

20 fruits are they safe for your dog to eat can your dog eat these fruits petrage

Top 20 Safe Fruits for Dogs: Keep Your Pup Healthy

Feeding dogs fruit can be a great way to provide them with extra vitamins and minerals. Fruits also provide a great source of fiber and are also low in calories, making them a great option for overweight dogs who need help with weight loss or to maintain a healthy weight. Certain fruits, such as blueberries and strawberries, are rich in antioxidants that can help fight off harmful free radicals and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. However, it is important to note that not all fruits are safe for dogs to consume. Fruit should only be given as an occasional treat due to their high sugar content, and it’s crucial to follow general rules of thumb when feeding fruit to your dog. While they can make a the perfect snack, veterinarians recommend that treats (including fruits and vegetables) should make up no more than about 10% of your dog’s daily calories.

In this guide, we’ll explore 20 fruits, providing insights into what are safe fruits for dogs, what should be approached with caution, and what to avoid entirely when treating your dog.

Section I: Safe Fruits for Dogs to Enjoy

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Can Dogs Eat Bananas?

Bananas are a healthy treat if given to dogs in moderation. They contain potassium, fiber and other important vitamins. They are also very high in sugar so should only be an occasional treat and fed in small quantities. Banana peels should never be fed to dogs.

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Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?

Watermelon is over 90% water and contains healthy nutrients and fiber. If frozen it can be a cooling, tasty treat and a great source of water to hydrate your dog on a hot summer day. Due to it’s water and nutrient content, is is considered one of the healthiest fruits a dog can eat. The rind and all seeds should be removed as they can cause choking and/or intestinal blockages.

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Can Dogs Eat Strawberries?

Strawberries are full of antioxidants and vitamins that are beneficial to dogs. They also contain malic acid, an enzyme that may help whiten your dog’s teeth.

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Can Dogs Eat Blueberries?

Blueberries are loaded with phytochemicals which research has shown are beneficial in fighting cancer and heart disease. In addition, they are high in vitamins C and K, flavonoids and fiber. They are an excellent, low-calorie way to give your dog a healthy, sweet treat.

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Can Dogs Eat Pineapple?

Pineapple contains vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and iron. Dogs should be fed fresh (not canned) pineapple in small chunks after the skin and core have been removed.

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Can Dogs Eat Pears?

Pears are high in copper and other nutrients. It is estimated that pears can cut the risk of stroke in dogs by 50%! Stems and seeds should be removed before feeding pears to your dog.

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Can Dogs Eat Cucumbers?

Cucumbers are over 95% water and are an excellent way to provide hydration for your dog. They are also high in vitamin K and phytochemicals and phytonutrients which can kill bacteria in your dogs mouth-leading to better breath! They can be a great treat to add to your dog’s diet with the added benefit of reducing bad breath!

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Can Dogs Eat Pumpkin?

Canned 100% pumpkin is loaded with fiber and vitamin A. It may actually be better than raw pumpkin as there is little choking hazard and higher concentration of nutrients. Pumpkin can help maintain healthy eyesight and digestive system. It can help with mild diarrhea and keep anal glands healthy.

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Can Dogs Eat Melon?

Melons are another high water fruit that can be fed to dogs. Cantaloupe and Honeydew have a higher sugar concentration than other melons. They should be given sparingly.


Section II: Safe Fruits for Dogs-Approach with Caution

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Can Dogs Eat Coconut?

Coconut flesh is non-toxic to dogs in small amounts. It contains Lauric acid which can boost the immune system and albumin which helps form red blood cells. Coconut contains medium-chain triglycerides, which might cause gastric upset in dogs. Some studies have suggested that coconut oils can increase cholesterol levels.

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Can Dogs Eat Mango?

Dogs can eat the flesh of the mango. Care should be made to peel the fruit and discard the hard pit, as it can be deadly to dogs. As with humans, there are some dogs that are allergic to mango sap/skin. If you are going to feed your dog small amounts of mango-test it the first time to make sure there is no adverse reaction!

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Can Dogs Eat Raspberries and Blackberries?

Both of these fruits contain small amounts of naturally occurring xylitol, a sweetener used in low calorie foods. Xylitol is toxic dogs. While dogs can eat very small amounts of these fruits, there are other better choices. It is recommended never to feed your dog wild berries.

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Can Dogs Eat Citrus Fruit?

The inside of oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits are edible for dogs. The high ph levels in the juice of these fruits can cause acid reflux and gastrointestinal upset. Another organic compound found in these fruits is psoralen which can irritate both the eyes and respiratory tract. The essential oils present is citrus may also cause problems for some dogs. Introduce citrus fruits slowly and in small quantities to see how your dog reacts. 

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Can Dogs Eat Peaches?

The flesh of the peach is perfectly safe for dogs to eat. As with other fruits, peaches contain fiber and vitamins that can be beneficial to your dog. The danger with peaches is the stone at the center. The peach pit is a severe choking hazard. Avoid canned peaches as the syrup contains too much sugar.

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Can Dogs Eat Apples?

Apples can be a healthy addition to a dogs diet. They can aid in fighting bone diseases, cancer and skin conditions. Apple seeds are dangerous for dogs to consume as they contain small amounts of cyanide. Always remove the apple core before feeding to your dog.

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Can Dogs Eat Avocado?

Dogs can eat very small amounts of avocado but never the pit, leaves or skin. Avocados contain a toxin called persin. While the highest levels of persin is found in avocado leaves, skin, and pits, it is also found in the flesh. Person is deadly to many animals and, in larger amounts, can be harmful to dogs as well.

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Can Dogs Eat Tomatos?

Generally, plain, ripe tomatoes without the stem or leaves are safe for dogs to eat. Tomatoes contain lycopene, which may reduce the risk of heart disease. Being part of the nightshade family, chemicals called solanine and tomatine are found in green tomatoes, stems and leaves. These substances are toxic to dogs.

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Can Dogs Eat Papaya?

The orange/red ripe flesh of papaya is safe and healthy for dogs. Like apples, papaya seeds contain trace amounts of cyanide and should be removed. While papaya contains digestive enzymes that may be beneficial to resolve digestive issues, they also cause intestinal distress is some dogs.

Section III: Fruits that are NOT Safe for Dogs to Eat

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Can Dogs Eat Grapes and Raisins?

Raisins and grapes are harmful to dogs. This is because they contain tartaric acid, which can lead to severe kidney problems, ultimately resulting in kidney failure. As such, you should never, under any circumstances, give your dog these fruits to consume.
Unlike grapes, grape seed extract is actually beneficial for dogs. It contains an antioxidant that helps support the immune system, improves blood flow and eases joint swelling. It’s also useful for preventing canine cataracts. It’s important not to confuse grape seed extract with actual grapes as they have very different effects on your pet’s health.

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Can Dogs Eat Cherries?

Cherries, of any type, should not be fed to dogs. The pit, leaves and stem contain cyanide. The cherry flesh is also known to cause upset stomach in dogs.

Safe Fruits for Dogs-Final Thoughts

It is important to know which fruits dogs can eat safely. Some fruits can be toxic and cause harm to your pup. We hope our list of safe fruits for dogs to eat has provided you with a beneficial starting point to providing safe and nutritious dog treats that are also safe for your dog’s health. Most of these fruits offer various health benefits, are a great source of fiber and provide great nutritional value. However, it’s important to remember to practice moderation and not overfeed your dog fruits as they don’t necessarily need them as part of their diet. You can read more about 15 plants that are toxic to dogs in this post.

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