Random Knowledge IQ Quiz
Are your trivia IQ scores above average? Random Knowledge IQ is a fun, challenging trivia quiz. The questions are all about random knowledge, but you might see something you know about. Here are 12 random questions, but don’t cheat!
- Question of
The bloodhound is the only animal whose evidence is admissible in court.
- Yes
- No
Correct Wrong
The bloodhound is the only breed of dog whose evidence is admissible in US courts. The bloodhound’s nose consists of approximately 230 million olfactory cells, or “scent receptors” — 40 times the number in humans-neeness.com/can-a-bloodhounds-sense-of-smell-be-used-in-court/
- Question of
The city with the most Rolls Royce’s per capita –
- Hong Kong
- New York
- Dubai
- Hollywood, CA
Correct Wrong
- Question of
Percentage of American men who say they would marry the same woman if they had it to do all over again –
- 80
- 70
- 60
- 40
Correct Wrong
- Question of
Percentage of American women who say they would marry the same man and do it all over again –
- 50
- 60
- 70
- 90
Correct Wrong
- Question of
Only U.S President to remain a bachelor –
- James Buchanon
- Calvin Coolidge
- Grover Cleveland
- Jimmy Carter
Correct Wrong
- Question of
Starfish have eyes-one at the end of each leg.
- Yes
- No
Correct Wrong
- Question of
Cookie Monster has a real first name, and it isn’t Cookie –
- Sid
- Frank
- Ralph
- Bernie
Correct Wrong
- Question of
The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the human body.
- Yes
- No
Correct Wrong
Gluteus Maximus the largest and heaviest muscle in the body-physio-pedia.com/Gluteus_Maximus
- Question of
The strongest muscle in the human body by weight is the quadriceps.
- Yes
- No
Correct Wrong
The masseter muscle in the jaw is the strongest muscle in your body by weight. With all muscles of the jaw working together it can close the teeth with a force as great as 55 pounds -loc.gov/everyday-mysteries/item/what-is-the-strongest-muscle-in-the-human-body/
- Question of
What color would Coca-Cola be if coloring were not added to it?
- Green
- Red
- Purple
- Clear
Correct Wrong
- Question of
According to data compiled between the years 1994-2014-this is the most popular birthdate in the world.
- September 9th
- September 19th
- July 7th
- September 12th
Correct Wrong
According to the study-these are the most popular birthdates in the world: 1 September 9th 1 2 September 19th 2 3 September 12th 3 4 September 17th 4 5 September 10th 5 6 July 7th 6 7 September 20th 7 8 September 15th 8 9 September 16th 9 10 September 18th 10 worldatlas.com/articles/the-most-common-birthdays-in-the-world.html
- Question of
When your age and date of birth are same-this date is know as
- Golden Birthday
- Universal Birthday
- Astrological Birthday
- Nothing-it’s just your birthday.
Correct Wrong
This day is special and is known as the Golden Birthday. If you where born on the 25th of the month, your golden birthday would be when you turn 25 years old!